ALEX Toys My Giant Busy Box Little Hands

My Giant Busy BoxMy Giant Busy Box by ALEX toys is perfect for toddlers & little people!

If you’re like me then you have a gaggle of kids in your house & that means that out of nowhere…with what seems like an entire toy store worth of crap in your home you hear that epic whine…””I’m Booooored”. Now sometimes that means you give them something to clean like the gutters or maybe you have those little tykes mow the lawn…but some days you just have to give in and get them started on a fabulous project that is fun & maybe a little messy but definitely, Not boring. This crafty activity box is Perfect for those days!

Early Learning My Giant Busy BoxIn this craft kit you get 16 different projects, lots of parts, brightly colored dough, stickers, crayons & instructions…because those are Always nice to have. There are super crafty moms (the ones that post epic projects on Pinterest all day) that won’t be impressed by this kit…they shouldn’t buy it. This kit is for people with real lives that want simple projects with their kids & to have all the parts right there with little planning….I am one of these moms. This kit is geared towards kids ages 3 to 5. The older kids will have no trouble doing most of this themselves but I’m not brave enough to leave a 3 year old alone with glue or clay, it’s just no in me. Honestly kids as old as 10 have used this in my house & still had fun so I wouldn’t worry about that age label on this creative kit.

My Giant Busy Box2This is great for dragging out every couple weeks when the kids boredom sets in & these are fun projects to do with your kids. Anything that gets them off the electronics & doing something creative is a good thing.

Now the biggest issue with this kit is in fact it’s size, once you open the box you better just forget about jamming it all back in there. That alone makes it impressive, I hate buying kits & opening them to find a whole bunch of air & no crafts! Alex is on your side with this issue.

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